Feedback Needed in Preparation for Strategy Meeting July 9-10

Thank you for your involvement on this assignment. Please complete the below questions by May 31st. It will help us maximize our productivity at the Strategic Board meeting.

For your reference:

2023-26 Goals and Strategies

2024 NHA Priority Actions


Next Steps: Install the Survey Add-On

This form requires the Gravity Forms Survey Add-On. Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form.
NHA Vision and Mission Statement The National Hydropower Association (NHA) is a nonprofit national association dedicated exclusively to preserving and expanding clean, renewable, affordable hydropower and marine energy. OUR VISION: Hydropower, in all its forms, is valued as America’s first and most flexible renewable energy resource to achieve a sustainable, clean and secure electric system in North America. OUR MISSION: Champion waterpower as America’s premier carbon-free renewable energy resource.

2. Since the “2023-2026 NHA’s Goals and Strategy Plan” was approved by the Board in August 2022, are there any significant changes in the landscape affecting the hydropower industry that should be addressed in NHA strategic planning? Consider this question in the context of the following factors:

3. When considering NHA’s ability to achieve our vision and mission, what do you see as our significant strength, weakness, opportunity, or threat (no more than 1 per category)? In the below fields please address each area category with no more than 1 topic/focus/concern.
