A Different Vision: Clean Currents 2021 Puts the Industry First

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A Different Vision: Clean Currents 2021 Puts the Industry First


June 21, 2021


Diane Lear, Vice President of Operations and Member Services, National Hydropower Association (NHA)


A Different Vision: Clean Currents 2021 Puts the Industry First

NHA thanks our sponsors:

Alaska Regional

It’s been a long time since most of us have been able to leave our homes, no less hop on an airplane for business travel. With the availability of vaccines in the U.S. and hopefully soon in Canada, the week of October 18, 2021, will be the perfect time to head to Atlanta, Georgia, to celebrate the return to the new normal at Clean Currents 2021.

Clean Currents is the brand-new industry trade show + conference owned by the National Hydropower Association (NHA). Years in the making, this event was built from the ground up by NHA members, industry, and conference planning experts to provide a unique and meaningful experience for all attendees. Clean Currents isn’t just another conference. With the enthusiastic support of our host utility, Georgia Power, we took a clean slate, gathered expert advice from our members, and created something new.

Importantly, this is the only national waterpower event in which the proceeds from the event are re-invested back into doing the work of the industry.


  • Every dollar spent at Clean Currents is reinvested in our industry. Clean Currents is the only national hydro trade show + event that does that. Others are owned by for-profit companies that do not contribute to the industry.
  • The proceeds go back to NHA, a non-profit organization that advocates for the entire waterpower industry at large.
  • NHA is your champion in Washington D.C. and is the voice of the industry. If you are part of the waterpower industry, this should be important to you.
  • The industry will be there — you’ll want to be there too.

NHA, your national trade association, represents the organizations that own 85% of the installed capacity in the U.S. These asset owners fully support Clean Currents and have worked with NHA to identify the topics of needed session content.

In addition, several of these asset owners will present their investment pipeline at the event to connect their procurement staff with the exhibitors and supply chain. Clean Currents will offer a unique opportunity for meaningful connections to foster business discussions for identified opportunities. Following each presentation, all attendees will have the opportunity to talk with the asset owners at a meet and greet in the Innovation Power House, Clean Currents’ central hub.


  • By participating in Clean Currents, you are doubling your return on your investment. Not only are you taking part in a first-class trade show + conference, you are re-investing in our industry, not increasing revenue for a for-profit company.
  • Equality for all. All registrations include all aspects of the conference. Registrations include access to all conference sessions, exhibits, lunches, and evening networking events.
  • We have created a community feel. The entire event is located at CC Central. The session breakout rooms flank the exhibits, lounges, Waterpower Intelligence Theater, and lunch area. Everything you need is in one place.
  • The Innovation Power House, powered by Southern Company, GE Renewable Energy, and the U.S. Department of Energy is located at the center of CC Central and will offer demonstrations of innovative technologies from industries beyond ours that could be applied to hydro. The Innovation Power House will contain demo stations, video monitors showcasing technology, and a “meet and greet” area for, among other things, exhibitors to meet with asset owners following their investment pipeline presentations.
  • We are focused on expanding our tent. The Hydropower Foundation is organizing a “Think Tank” at Clean Currents with students from local historically black colleges and universities to introduce bright new talent to our industry. Student teams will be given real-life challenges to solve and will compete for cash prizes for the winning solution.

NHA spent years listening to and working with our members to create Clean Currents. Now is the time to register to meet all of your industry peers, colleagues, and friends.

Join us in Atlanta for a week-long agenda of learning, sharing, and networking.