Calling All Hydro Owners and Operators! The Second Annual “Ear to the River” Survey is Live

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Calling All Hydro Owners and Operators! The Second Annual “Ear to the River” Survey is Live


October 3, 2022


Jeremy Chase-Israel, Content Development Specialist, NHA


Calling All Hydro Owners and Operators! The Second Annual “Ear to the River” Survey is Live

NHA thanks our sponsors:

Alaska Regional

Calling all hydro owners and operators, the Hydropower Foundation and Ontario Waterpower Association, in partnership with Kleinschmidt, are are conducting the second annual industry survey of hydropower market trends titled “Ear to the River”.

Deadline to respond to the survey is Friday, October 14.

The survey will take no more than 20 minutes to complete. All responses will remain confidential and be treated in accordance with all data protection laws.

“If you are a senior leader within a hydropower asset owner / operator organization, please take the time to help your fellow industry professionals by completing the survey,” says Linda Church Ciocci, executive director of the Hydropower Foundation and Paul Norris, president of the Ontario Waterpower Association.


The results of this survey will culminate in a comprehensive, data-driven report, and there will be a session at Clean Currents describing the report, why it’s being done, and to talk about some of the big issues that came forward from last year’s survey.

The report is intended to help hydropower owners and operators plan for the future and create a collective voice for the industry to continue the advancement of hydropower as a leading renewable energy source throughout North America.

Kleinschmidt chief growth officer Russ Sanford commented on the survey and Clean Currents, “Like the industry-wide Clean Currents event owned and operated by the National Hydropower Association, this survey is intended to provide insight into how peers are approaching opportunities and solving challenges facing the industry,”

The survey results also can lead to a clearer understanding of how hydro is actively changing and adapting to new market needs and realities. Given the various challenges and opportunities in the industry, can we expect hydro to provide a steady trickle, a raging torrent, or a flood of new clean energy and storage opportunities?

The report resulting from the survey should also provide relevant and useful data to be shared in wider clean energy markets and forums, so the potential of hydro can be better understood by advocates and procurers of renewable energy.


All survey participants will receive access to the final aggregated data later this year.

For every response received from the survey, a hydropower science kit will be donated to a high school STEM program. These learning kits help grow the next generation of hydropower professionals.

Click here to take the survey.