Celebrate National Hydropower Day – August 24

Celebrate National Hydropower Day – August 24

NHA thanks our sponsors:

Alaska Regional

Three years ago, the National Hydropower Association established August 24 as the annual National Hydropower Day. The goal was simple: let’s establish a day where we can collectively recognize hydropower’s undeniable contributions to clean energy infrastructure in the United States.

From the start, the response from industry, was overwhelming. From asset owners to service and product suppliers, the hydropower industry is eager to boast about the value of America’s first renewable, and to generate awareness about what it means for homes and businesses in their local communities. After all, today, hydropower in the United States provides emission-free, reliable, and affordable electricity to an estimated 30 million American homes and businesses.

In addition to industry, government agencies, including the U.S. Department of Energy, have participated in the annual day to amplify the role of hydro in a clean energy grid. This year is no different.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 24, NHA will broadcast an interview with U.S. Department of Energy Deputy Secretary David Turk via NHA’s social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and Linkedin).

In addition, NHA will feature on social media a panel discussion with Pat Hoffman, DOE Acting Assistant Secretary of the Office of Electricity, and the administrators of the four federal power marketing agencies: Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Southeastern Power Administration (SEPA), Southwestern Power Administration (SWPA), and Western Area Power Administration (WAPA). The panel was moderated by NHA’s Cameron Schilling.

Get Social! Taking Part in National Hydropower Day

NHA encourages you, as appropriate, to make your voices heard on social media using the hashtag: #HydroDay.

To make the process as turnkey as possible, NHA has developed a Communications Toolkit, which includes sample social media posts and a hydropower messaging guide. In the past, industry has been quite creative on National Hydropower Day, which you can see here.

Why It Matters

National Hydropower Day is an opportunity to remind the public that hydropower is an essential part of a climate solution and, without question, will play a significant role in the decarbonization of the nation’s electricity grid.

At NHA, we’re looking forward to tomorrow, and we hope you are too.