Eaton Provides Training Options in a Socially Distant World

Eaton Provides Training Options in a Socially Distant World

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Rewind to March 2020. When the COVID-19 pandemic first hit, it seemed overnight that trade shows were cancelled, employees set up home offices, and on-site meetings were postponed. However, even with a global pandemic, business continued. Turbines kept spinning. The lights stayed on. And engineers and field resources still needed to be trained, onboarded and taught how hydropower and its electrical infrastructure function. As a result, the transition from in-person, onsite training to a virtual world was accelerated.

As training leaders, we recognize there will always be a need for physical face-to-face education and hands-on training. At the same time, we’re driving the evolution of our online learning programs to fill the current void and provide valuable supplemental benefits into the future. But in the midst of a global pandemic and required social distancing, how do you get your hands on the training and education resources you need? What’s available? And how do you maximize online resources to make real connections?

Hydro Solutions Educational Webinars go virtual and on-demand

For years, education programs for hydro engineers were primarily conducted through mentoring and lunch-and-learn sessions or at industry events—in-person one-on-one or in classroom environments. Training sessions were typically guided by experienced co-workers, experts from manufacturers or industry organization reps who would show how solutions can be applied and problems addressed through visual models. Further, these sessions were highly personalized with extensive Q&A sessions specific to project challenges.

Before COVID-19, training was already becoming more digital by the day. The global pandemic just made education and training move at a lightning pace to a virtual environment. Nearly all training in the last year has been pushed online. There are both opportunities and challenges with this shift.

Eaton has long recognized the value of remote learning and is committed to providing a nearly “one-stop-shop” for engineers to easily access information in support of long and successful careers. Today, we offer one of the broadest ranges of online engineering support in the industry, including in-depth design guides, accredited webinars, training videos and more.

At Eaton, we’re committed to providing the training needed to support hydroelectric professionals. We developed Hydro Solutions Educational Webinars, a series of online and on-demand sessions modeled after workshops we previously conducted in-person.

The following five sessions were recently added to the Eaton’s electrical industry applications on-demand webinar library, available at no charge. Each is a recording of a recent interactive training session.

  1. Hydro modernization upgrade strategies — This course is a review of modernization strategies to improve generation, power system performance and safety at your hydroelectric generation plants. It offers a complete view of the facility — from market trends to electrical infrastructure, best practices for scoping projects, and an in-depth comparison of the benefits of comprehensive facility updates versus subsystem replacement.
  2. Switchgear modernization — This course will familiarize attendees with the IEEE standard for switchgear conversions, C37.59-2018. They will receive guidance on specifying low and medium voltage replacement circuit breakers, updating low voltage circuit breaker trip systems, addition of windows and ports in metal-clad and metal-enclosed switchgear, and application of vacuum starter replacement devices in load centers, and learn the terms associated with switchgear conversions.
  3. Excitation upgrades — This course introduces excitation, what trends are impacting excitation today, replacement versus upgrade strategies, and a comprehensive review of solutions available. It also includes a discussion on the constructability of an excitation system.
  4. Arc quenching switchgear — This course builds from the basic concepts of arc flash events, reviews the benefits and shortcomings of the typical solutions used to reduce the risk of arc flash, and then focuses on the most advanced and effective form of arc flash mitigation, arc quenching switchgear (AQS). An in-depth technical explanation of how AQS functions is provided so attendees can understand how it improves safety, reduces downtime and protects equipment in the event of an arc flash.
  5. System protection — This course provides an overview of generator components and operation, power system studies for hydro stations and interconnections, and generator protection and relaying, provided by a power system engineer. Attendees will understand the equipment and system at a hydro facility and what studies will optimize the efficiency and output of a hydroelectric facility.

Why continue to invest in training during a pandemic?

Meeting state licensing requirements for continuing education is mandatory for a professional engineer. Beyond those guidelines, training and education have always been important for the hydropower industry. Whether you’re new to the electrical engineering workforce or an industry veteran, there are a multitude of reasons that make education and training programs essential to a successful career — from learning the basics to expanding skill sets.

Here are five reasons why we see training and education especially important today:

  1. Workforce retirements mean young engineers must fill the positions of senior engineers. Every day, thousands of baby boomers reach age 65 — and that trend is expected to continue for the next decade. Young engineers need to learn the basics. Out of college, many engineers know what a piece of electrical equipment looks like in a one-line drawing, but have not had the opportunity to see the electrical equipment in person. Having an in-depth knowledge about how these pieces of electrical equipment are constructed and operate is incredibly helpful as new engineers design and support these components into electrical systems later.
  2. Codes and regulations rule everything and they change regularly. That means no matter if you’re a seasoned professional or new to the industry, keeping up with the regulatory standards and how they impact your facility, your power output, and the safety of your teams is critical.
  3. Technology marches forward with advances in safety, IIoT, cybersecurity and more. Education is critical to keep up with power system changes: meet evolving codes, create cybersecure systems and understand technology advancements that support safety, connectivity and more.
  4. Trusted sources matter. Who’s training you is just as important as the topic, when it is not possible to attend a trade show and sign up for accredited in-person classes. You need to know the eLearning content is credible and based on actual project and hands-on experience.
  5. Project schedules continue to be squeezed. Pressure to be on time and budget means training and tools to support productivity are critical. At the same time, there’s less time and money to dedicate to training, which means getting online, on-demand training when you need it is essential.

Training programs deliver on experience and connections — in all environments

There are many rewards to this type of online education, including the fact that more people can participate, and no travel is required. In some cases, virtual environments can enable participants to get a much closer look at energized electrical equipment than live training environments. And, for complex topics, participants can take a slower, self-paced approach.

It can be difficult to find trusted online learning resources amid the various options available. How do you know if the resource you’re viewing is credible? If the information is accurate? And is what being taught really the right and most current approach? As traditional onsite training sessions are steadily replaced with online webinars and broadcasts, it is critical to ensure engineers can rely on a trusted advisor who provides the experience and guidance needed to succeed in the future of our changing industry.

Get the training you need when you need it

The world and its industries continue to evolve. The workforce is changing as more professionals prepare for retirement. The proliferation of bidirectional power systems and energy transition requires more technical know-how, while market shifts and regulation changes offer more challenges today than at any other point in the power industry.

Alongside the ongoing importance of training and education for the electrical industry, COVID-19 accelerated the demand for more interactive and impactful online learning environments. Whether online, in-person or on-demand, Eaton will continue to lead the way to help electrical professionals obtain the knowledge they need to succeed.