Fall in Love with Waterpower

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Fall in Love with Waterpower


February 14, 2022


Will Pisano, Director of Government Affairs, National Hydropower Association (NHA)


Fall in Love with Waterpower

NHA thanks our sponsors:

Alaska Regional

Happy Valentine’s Day! Team NHA is taking this opportunity to share why we believe waterpower is the perfect Valentine for those looking for a clean-energy partner.


An important attribute in any partner is reliability. While other forms of clean energy generation are dependent on the sun shining or wind blowing, hydropower electricity is available 24/7 when necessary.

Hydropower is the most reliable form of carbon-free energy, and therefore the clean energy resource who will most consistently be there for you on cold winter nights.


Our partner should enable us to grow. Hydropower’s ability to quickly ramp up and ramp down generation will help the clean energy system of the future grow by enabling it to integrate more variable energy resources like wind and solar.

In the absence of hydropower, these types of grid support services would have to be provided by carbon-based forms of electricity generation like coal or natural gas.

If you want a lover that can help you grow, hydropower is the way to go!


Let’s face it – nobody wants a partner whose presence makes it more difficult or dangerous to breathe. Hydropower produces carbon-free electricity, which means it doesn’t contribute to global warming or air pollution.

If you’re looking for a clean lover, choose hydro.

Won’t Melt Down

Nobody wants a lover that loses his/her temper. Unlike other forms of carbon-free energy, hydropower will not meltdown on you.

Keeps Things Fun

Everyone wants a partner whom you can share fun experiences. Hydropower is the clean energy resource that facilitates the most meaningful non-power experiences (think recreation, access to outdoor activities, and, in many cases, great history lessons).

For example, if you like to fish, it’s a good chance that the lake you go to is part of a hydroelectric project.

If fishing isn’t your style, but you enjoy swimming or watersports, hydro is your answer … forming reservoirs enjoyed by millions around the United States.

If you’re looking for a fun clean energy resource this Valentine’s Day, hydropower is right for you!