International Association To Bring Together Thought Leaders during Global Virtual Summit to Set Priorities for Future Hydro Development

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International Association To Bring Together Thought Leaders during Global Virtual Summit to Set Priorities for Future Hydro Development


June 7, 2021


International Association To Bring Together Thought Leaders during Global Virtual Summit to Set Priorities for Future Hydro Development

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The International Hydropower Association (IHA) announces that the World Hydropower Congress will take place virtually during the month of September 2021.

The purpose of the Congress is to demonstrate the progressive and global nature of hydropower by facilitating the participation of stakeholders from around the world during a month of virtual events.

IHA says by holding the Congress before the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26, which takes place in November 2021, will send a powerful message to policy-makers at COP26 of the wide-ranging support for sustainable hydropower.

“Investment in sustainable energy and freshwater management will need to double in order to meet the Paris Agreement targets on climate change. With the World Hydropower Congress, we are sending a clear message that sustainable hydropower will play a pivotal role in decarbonising the economy, providing jobs and long-lasting infrastructure.” says Eddie Rich, CEO, IHA, which organizes the Congress.


Every day during the Congress, new sessions will be held live, while other meetings and discussions will be added to the list of on-demand material accessible at any time.

For example, the Congress kicks off on Tuesday, September 7, with the Opening Plenary session. Friday, September 24, is the Closing Ceremony.

Congress speakers include current and former country presidents and prime ministers, CEOs of utilities from around the world, and civil society representatives, including The Nature Conservancy and WWF International.

These speakers will shed light on topics such as advancing clean energy and smarter tech, incentivizing investments, tackling climate change, managing freshwater, and achieving sustainability.


The Congress is intended to be the premier global meeting place for energy, finance, and development professionals.

IHA is seeking participation from industry leaders, financiers, policy experts, and representatives from governments, international institutions, and civil society from around the world.

To maximize the impact of this landmark Congress, registration is completely free and available for all participants.


The 2021 World Hydropower Congress will be hosted under the patronage of the President of Costa Rica and supported by Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE).

Using hydropower, wind, solar, geothermal and bioenergy resources, Costa Rica represents one of the best examples of clean energy systems, responsible freshwater management, and climate-change solutions.