New York Tidal Energy Project To Be Highlighted during July Waterpower Meeting in Niagara

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New York Tidal Energy Project To Be Highlighted during July Waterpower Meeting in Niagara


June 7, 2021


New York Tidal Energy Project To Be Highlighted during July Waterpower Meeting in Niagara

NHA thanks our sponsors:

Alaska Regional

In October of 2020, Verdant Power installed three tidal power turbines in New York’s East River. The installation, known as the Roosevelt Island Tidal Energy (RITE) Project, is the first tidal project in the U.S. to receive a commercial pilot license from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

The project will be one of the topics of discussion during the July 20-21 2021 Northeast Regional Meeting in Niagara, New York. The National Hydropower Association (NHA) hosts the meeting, which is open to anyone working in or with the waterpower industry. Registration for the meeting is now open.

“With the Northeast Meeting being held in New York, it seems appropriate to highlight the record-setting Roosevelt Island Tidal Energy (RITE) project,” says Diane Lear, Vice President of Operations And Member Services For NHA.

The RITE project will provide clean electricity to Roosevelt Island in New York through a distributed generation connection to Con Edison’s local grid. The project is supported by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and the U.S. Department of Energy, in addition to New York private equity investors.

“We are proud to be the first licensed tidal power project in the U.S,” said Verdant Power CEO John T. Banigan. “Today we are demonstrating clean power from the tidal currents and that tidal power is a viable energy resource advancing our industry in the U.S. and globally.”

With marine energy on the cusp of significant growth, NHA unveiled new industry deployment targets of 50 MW by 2025, 500 MW by 2030, and 1 GW by 2035. In a new report titled Commercialization Strategy for Marine Energy, the industry calls on the U.S. federal government to accelerate commercialization of marine energy technologies (wave, tidal, ocean current, ocean thermal, and riverine) by increasing financial support for research and development, reducing market barriers and creating financial incentives for technology deployment.

In addition to marine energy, other topics on the agenda for the 2021 Northeast Regional Meeting include FERC relicensing and cybersecurity.

The Northeast Meeting will be NHA’s first in-person meeting in over a year. It will take place at the Conference & Event Center Niagara Falls. There will be a Networking Welcome Reception the evening of July 20 at the Sheraton Niagara Falls.

For more information, please reach out to Marycella Dumlao.