NHA’s California Regional Meeting Comes to San Diego the Week of December 12

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NHA’s California Regional Meeting Comes to San Diego the Week of December 12


October 30, 2023


Jeremy Chase-Israel, Content Development Specialist, National Hydropower Association


NHA’s California Regional Meeting Comes to San Diego the Week of December 12

NHA thanks our sponsors:

Alaska Regional

National Hydropower Association’s (NHA) last regional meeting of the year takes place in San Diego, California, from December 13-14, 2023. The California Regional meeting is an excellent opportunity for water power professionals across hydropower, pumped storage, and marine energy industries to connect and learn alongside one another.

This year’s California Regional Meeting will take place at The Guild Hotel, located in the heart of San Diego. Hosted by San Diego County Water Authority, and sponsored by 23 organizations, the meeting offers insight to those looking to stay up to date on the issues and opportunities affecting water power across California.

NHA’s California Regional Meeting provides a forum to address regional issues and location-specific challenges, as well as exploring topics top-of-mind for the California water power community.


NHA’s regional meetings are a gathering place for the water power industry, and they often feature local and state legislators, representatives from national organizations, and speakers from the Federal government and national labs. With experts providing insight into a wealth of topics top-of-mind for the water power industry, the California Regional Meeting will play host to important information sharing sessions, such as:

Dam Safety Workshop: Performing Comprehensive Assessments – Lessons Learned, Best Practices, and What Comes Next?

This workshop focuses on undertaking comprehensive assessments under FERC’s new guidelines, including sharing valuable insights on the planning process, execution, costs, and next steps.

River Restoration in California; Case Studies

With government incentives for environmental enhancements spurring on critical work, attendees of this session will have the opportunity to learn more about “on-the-ground” work underway, as well as future plans, to restore rivers and improve salmon passage throughout California.

Pumped Storage; Moving Towards Commercialization

Pumped storage is one of the hottest topics in water power, and this session provide an overview of the pumped storage development landscape in California, including where projects are in the licensing and commercialization stage.

Attendees will hear from state representatives regarding current policies and market designs to bring more long-duration storage onto the grid.


If you’re interested in attending NHA’s California Regional Meeting, check out the event site here for details on hotel accommodations, registration rates, a schedule of events, and the meeting agenda. If you need additional assistance, please reach out to Ellie Rubalow, Events Specialist at NHA, for more information (ellie@hydro.org).