Philip Moeller, Executive Vice President, Business Operations and Regulatory Affairs, at Edison Electric Institute, to Speak at Waterpower Week

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Philip Moeller, Executive Vice President, Business Operations and Regulatory Affairs, at Edison Electric Institute, to Speak at Waterpower Week


February 5, 2024


Jeremy Chase-Israel, Content Development Specialist, National Hydropower Association


Philip Moeller, Executive Vice President, Business Operations and Regulatory Affairs, at Edison Electric Institute, to Speak at Waterpower Week

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The National Hydropower Association (NHA) is pleased to announce Philip D. Moeller, Executive Vice President, Business Operations and Regulatory Affairs, at Edison Electric Institute (EEI), will address attendees as part of NHA’s Waterpower Week in Washington D.C., which runs from March 13 – 15, 2024.

Specifically, Moeller will be the guest lecturer for a 1-hour session on Thursday morning, March 14, called: “How do Regulated Utilities and Independent Power Producers set Rates and Earn their Money?In this session, open to any Waterpower Week attendee, Moeller will explain how the U.S. got to the point that two-thirds of electric power customers pay for their electricity sourced from competitive markets, answering “What are the pros and cons?” and “How do states exert their authority to ensure their constituents are purchasing electricity from their desired energy sources?”

Currently, Mr. Moeller’s position at EEI involves significant responsibility over a broad range of issues that affect the future structure of the electric power industry, as well as new rules in evolving, competitive markets. In addition, Mr. Moeller’s responsibilities cover a wide range of strategic areas, such as energy supply and finance, environment, energy delivery, energy services, federal and state regulatory issues, and international affairs.

With EEI’s member companies focused on delivering innovative solutions to meet the changing expectations of customers, Mr. Moeller works with these companies to identify policy solutions, as well as business opportunities, to better serve the needs of customers.

Prior to joining EEI in 2016, Mr. Moeller served as a Commissioner on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), and when he ended his tenure (2006 – 2015), Mr. Moeller was the second-longest serving member of the Commission, as well as the only Senate-confirmed member of the federal government appointed by both George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

While at FERC, Mr. Moeller championed policies promoting improved wholesale electricity markets, increasing investment in electric transmission and natural gas pipeline infrastructure, and enhancing the coordination of the electric power and natural gas industries.

Before his time at FERC, Mr. Moeller headed the Washington D.C., office of Alliant Energy Corporation. Additionally, Mr. Moeller served as a Senior Legislative Assistant for Energy Policy to U.S. Senator Slade Gorton (R-WA), and as the Staff Coordinator of the Washinton State Senate Energy and Telecommunications Committee in Olympia, Washington.

Mr. Moeller was born in Chicago, Illinois, and he was raised on a ranch near Spokane, Washington. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Stanford University.

To hear first-hand what the Executive Vice President, Business Operations and Regulatory Affairs, at Edison Electric Institute (EEI) has to say, attend Waterpower Week in Washington D.C., from March 13-15, 2024.