Speaker Spotlight: Clyde Krout, Thompson | HCMS

Speaker Spotlight: Clyde Krout, Thompson | HCMS

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Friday morning, October 22, at the upcoming Clean Currents conference + tradeshow, provides a unique opportunity to hear and learn from some of the most interesting people in hydro.

The workshop, “Learn from the Old Dogs,” is the brainchild of Richard C. (Rick) Hayes, Jr., manager of the Rocky Mountain Hydroelectric Plant for Oglethorpe Power Corporation.

Hayes has been working in and around hydro plants since he was 14. He recognizes the valuable lessons he’s learned and advice he’s received from field techs, project managers, and service / maintenance specialists over the years. His intention is to gather some of these individuals – whom he lovingly calls “Old Dogs” — at Clean Currents in a one-of-a-kind opportunity to share their insight, experiences, and viewpoints.

At the top of Hayes’ list is Clyde Krout, president and co-founder of Hydro Consulting and Maintenance Services (HCMS). HCMS was acquired by Thompson Construction Group, Inc. earlier in 2021.

Krout has more than 55 years of experience in the hydroelectric industry, working for original equipment manufacturers Allis-Chalmers, Voith Hydro, and Siemens Power Corporation before launching his own hydro maintenance services company, HCMS.

Over the years, Krout has earned the title of “the most interesting man in hydro” and even filmed a spoof about it!

Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdPqAfebn5A

Who Is ‘Old Dog’ Clyde Krout?

Clyde Krout started his career with Allis-Chalmers as a helper in the preparation department, where he gained experience in cutting and forming the steel to be used in the manufacturing of hydro turbines and components.

Krout then moved on to become an assembler (where he learned how the steel he’d formed was assembled into turbines and turbine components); a welder (where he learned the weld procedures to weld the turbines and components he assembled); and an inspector (performing testing of all major components of a turbine-generator).

After learning all aspects of building the hydro turbines and components, he joined Allis-Chalmers’ Field Service Department – installing the equipment he had learned how to build. In 1986, Voith Hydro purchased Allis-Chalmers and Krout was promoted to regional service manager; the position included the sale, bidding, and scheduling of projects.

Krout also spent 10 years working as a regional service manager for Siemens Power Corporation, where he learned about generators.

After meeting his now wife Lorraine (who was a successful business owner at the time), Krout decided that with his hydro experience and her business experience, they should start their own hydro maintenance company – Hydro Consulting and Maintenance Services.

For more than 20 years, the couple worked to grow the business from a 2-person endeavor to a company with more than 50 employees. In 2021, the Krouts sold the business to Thompson Construction, but continue to remain active in the company.

“With Clyde’s experience in the manufacturing, installation, maintenance and repair of hydro turbines and auxiliary equipment, along with his knowledge of generators, he is in an excpectional position to share his knowledge with individuals wanting to advance their careers in the hydroelectric industry,” Hayes said. “I am sure that field engineers and service specialists in the early stages of their careers will greatly benefit from hearing the insight, experiences, and viewpoints of this ‘old dog’ Clyde Krout.”

Read more details about the workshop, including additional ‘old dogs’ being featured, HERE.

This workshop is included in the registration to the in-person event … no additional fees required.