Tapping into the NHA Waterpower Resource Library

Tapping into the NHA Waterpower Resource Library

NHA thanks our sponsors:

Alaska Regional

Trying to locate important waterpower resources online can be a challenge. From pay-walls to content gates, the obstacles preventing access are plentiful.

The National Hydropower Association (NHA) understands these hurdles and created the online Waterpower Resource Library as a solution.

By curating a space for assets, NHA aims to make the Waterpower Resource Library a one-stop-shop for the information needs of the industry. “One of NHA’s missions is to provide insights about industry developments. This library is a fundamental way we are making access to information and insights easy for waterpower professionals,” says Marla Barnes, senior director of industry collaboration for NHA. “I’d encourage everybody to bookmark this page and use it as a tool when looking for information.”

The Waterpower Resource Library is a free online tool for anyone looking for waterpower-related reports, Congressional testimonies, videos, and other industry resources.

Contained within the library is a wealth of information detailing everything from recent reports issued by government agencies, national laboratories, and other associations, as well as recordings of past webinars hosted by NHA, videos of U.S. Senate hearings on hydropower, and a variety of industry resources.

Accessing materials is made simple with filters that parse through 14 resource types and 15 topic areas (see lists below), making the Waterpower Resource Library a handy and searchable repository. Using the “search” tool, users can search for key words, organizations, and individuals to filter the assets in the library and quickly find what you are looking for.

Access to the Waterpower Resource Library is completely free, and you don’t need a membership or an account to view the materials. With a growing content catalogue and an easy-to-use interface, the Waterpower Resource Library has one goal: providing you with valuable information that informs your work.

Assets in the library can be found by resource type and/or topics. The lists are below:

Resource Types:

  • Amicus Briefs
  • Annual Reports
  • Bills
  • Comments
  • Court Cases
  • Hearing Statements
  • Hill Correspondence
  • Industry Resources
  • Letters to Congress
  • Meeting Presentations
  • Reports
  • Senate Hearings
  • Testimony
  • Videos


  • Asset Management
  • Conventional Hydropower
  • Dam Removal
  • Dam Safety
  • Environmental
  • Innovation
  • Legislative
  • Marine Energy
  • New Development
  • Operations and Maintenance
  • Pumped Storage
  • Regulatory
  • Safety
  • Small Hydropower
  • Wholesale Electricity Markets