Waterpower Week in Washington Reimagined; Conference Program Released

Waterpower Week in Washington Reimagined; Conference Program Released

NHA thanks our sponsors:

Alaska Regional

During the week of April 4, 2022, the waterpower industry will gather in Washington, D.C., to focus on policy, regulation, legislation, and wholesale electricity markets related to hydropower and marine energy.

The main event is the Waterpower Week in Washington conference, April 5-7, owned and organized by the National Hydropower Association (NHA).

“We have re-imagined this event, which hasn’t been held in person since 2019, to be a policy conference for our member organizations and for the sector at large,” said Diane Lear, vice president of operations and member services at NHA.

“With the launch of our annual industry-wide Clean Currents Tradeshow + Conference, we have the opportunity at Waterpower Week to provide an important ‘deep dive’ on policy- and regulatory-related topics,” Lear said. (Find more details on the differences between Waterpower Week in Washington and Clean Currents Tradeshow + Conference.)

The conference schedule – live on the website – reflects that deep dive. Sessions such as those listed below provide important insight for individuals working in policy- and regulatory-related fields:

  • Legislative ‘Hot Takes:’ Climate Policy, Tax Credits for Investment and Production, and More!
  • Hot Legal and Regulatory Topics – Clean Water Act, Financial Assurance, and Environmental and Energy Justice
  • Relicensing Good Practices for Working with Agencies and Stakeholders

The conference line-up also offers enough variety to be useful to a broad spectrum of professionals. Prospective attendees working in/interested in external outreach and communications, management of existing assets, marine energy, pumped storage, small hydro, and wholesale electricity markets will find sessions of interest.

A sampling of what awaits:

  • Communication and Engagement Techniques with Media and with Project Stakeholders
  • FERC Briefing on New Safety-Related Regulations
  • Marine Energy: Path to Commercialization
  • Solving the Storage Challenge – Making Sure Pumped Storage Is at the Table
  • Innovative Financing Options for Small Hydro and Marine Energy
  • Wholesale Electricity Markets – Valuing Hydro’s Contributions

The conference content was received and refined by a brain trust of 45 individuals working in a variety of sectors across the waterpower sector. These individuals represent hydro project owners, project developers, electric power administrations, consultants, law firms, environmental-focused firms, technology developers, equipment manufacturers, regulators, lobbyists, resource agencies, energy research and development agencies, financiers, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Their varied perspectives and learning needs are reflected in the conference program.

“This is shaping up to be an incredibly informative conference!” said Charles R. Sensiba, Partner, Troutman Pepper.

Register by February 18, 2022, to take advantage of the best rates. Waterpower Week takes place at the Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C. Rooms are available at the discounted group rate until March 15.