Waterpower Week Offers Insight on How the Biden Administration and the New Congress Affects Your Company

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Waterpower Week Offers Insight on How the Biden Administration and the New Congress Affects Your Company


February 1, 2021


Waterpower Week Offers Insight on How the Biden Administration and the New Congress Affects Your Company

NHA thanks our sponsors:

Alaska Regional

The National Hydropower Association’s Waterpower Week conference, held virtually April 27-29, 2021, will offer key insights into how the new Administration and Congress will impact your company.

“While we are unable to be physically together in the Capitol for this event, that doesn’t mean we can’t bring what’s happening inside the beltway to you,” said Malcolm Woolf, president and CEO of the National Hydropower Association (NHA).

By late April 2021, the new Biden Administration and Congress will have passed their “first 100 days” mark. Woolf says it will be a perfect time to share insights regarding:

  • Who are the leaders and the issues coming to the surface that will affect hydro the most?
  • Which Trump Administration policies and executive orders have been overturned and how does this affect you?
  • What are the priorities and direction of the White House and the new Congress regarding clean energy and zero emissions standards?
  • How are conventional hydro and pumped storage being looked at/treated under various proposals?
  • What is the National Hydropower Association doing to make bi-partisan progress on license reform and how does reform fit in to a national climate-carbon emissions reduction strategy?
  • How is NHA working with other renewables and storage trade associations to articulate and advocate a vision for majority renewables within a decade (implementation of join advocacy principles by the renewables trades)?

A diverse group of individuals from industry, non-governmental associations, regulators, and resource agencies are working together to plan and deliver conference sessions and speakers focused on the regulatory, policy, markets and legislative aspects of the waterpower industry.

Registration is now open; early-bird discounts are available until March 31, 2021.