What’s In a Name: Why ‘Clean Currents’?

What’s In a Name: Why ‘Clean Currents’?

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As more than 700 industry professionals prepare to descend upon Atlanta for next week’s first-ever Clean Currents Conference + Tradeshow, one of the most often-asked questions is about the name of the event.

Why ‘Clean Currents’?

According to the National Hydropower Association (NHA), owner/organizer of the event, “Clean Currents” creatively communicates the focus of this new annual industry event.

Its inclusion of “Clean” underscores that waterpower is considered a “clean” energy resource and will help further promote this position.

“Currents” on its surface is a nod to the movement of water as well as the concept of “electrical currents.

Its second meaning is inspired by the event’s promise to be the source for new ideas and innovation.

By attending NHA’s Clean Currents, participants will remain on top of the latest industry developments as well as get a window into the future of the industry.

“The Clean Currents event originated from a desire throughout the waterpower community that it was time for the industry, in particular NHA, to develop a bold, new event that would bring the industry together for the betterment of the industry,” says Malcolm Woolf, president and CEO of NHA.

From the beginning, the vision was to create an event dedicated to the advancement of conventional hydropower, pumped storage, small hydro, and marine energy as reliable and flexible sources of clean energy now and into the future.

This vision aligns with NHA’s growth and evolution in its leadership to position waterpower for success in the decades to come, Woolf says.

More than 700 individuals are expected to attend the event. Registration remains open.